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Sat. Adult/ Counselors Workshop 4:00PM:


Topic: Extending our faith to our youth?

Gary Cunningham

Minister Gary Cunningham was baptized into Jesus Christ at fourteen (14). He is a Christian educator and counselor dedicated to teaching the scriptures and strives to be a catalyst for positive change in people's lives.


He attended the Mona School of Preaching in Jamaica and received his Master's in Business Administration from the University of New Orleans. With 17 years of experience in the ministry, he has served in various positions, such as four years in youth leadership, five years as an associate minister, and five years as the lead minister of the Independence City Church of Christ in Kingston, Jamaica.


Minister Cunningham is an active member and coordinator of the International American Medical Mission (IAMM). The organization provides medical, dental, counseling, and evangelistic services through Church of Christ congregations in several Caribbean countries and the United States.


Since September 2018, he has been the minister at the Echo Lake Church of Christ, where he has worked extensively in outreach programs to serve the various needs of the local community. He firmly believes that the church should play a prominent role in positively influencing the community's life, as it is the cornerstone of the community.


Minister Cunningham has been married to Diana for twenty-five years, and they have two daughters, Amelia and Ashley.

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